Tips For Running A Sweet And Successful Juice Bar That Customers Love

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As people have become more health-conscious, the demand for fresh juice has increased. Juice bars, offering cold-pressed and freshly squeezed juices, have popped up in most cities. If you want to run a similar juice bar, you need to be prepared to set yourself apart from the competition. Here are some tips for running a juice bar that your customers love, and that therefore brings in a reasonable profit.

1. Invest in good equipment.

Juice is only as good as the juicer it came form. Cheaper juicers oxidize the juice because they grind it too slowly, and this not only ruins the flavor but also counteracts many of the health benefits of juice. Cheaper juicers also leave more juice in the pulp, which basically means that juice goes to waste. It's worth investing in more expensive, better-working juicers from the beginning. Your ingredients will go further, which will save you money in the long run, and your juice will taste better, which will keep customers coming back. (Many of the better juicers also come with a longer warranty, which is nice when you're using them commercially, day in and day out.)

2. Stick with seasonal fruits and veggies.

While your instinct may tell you that offering a wide variety of juices is important, the problem with this approach is that too much variety can lead to a decrease in quality. Oranges just aren't great in the summer unless you're in one of a few tropical locations. Raspberries in the winter are tart and flavorless. You'll do better offering juices made mostly from in-season produce. Not only will the produce be cheaper, allowing you to make more of a profit, but the juice will be of better quality because the produce was better. Your customers will also like that you're always adding new juices to the menu as new things come into season.

3. Offer a range of sizes.

Some customers will just want a few sips of juice, and they won't have a lot to spend. Others may be on juice fasts, meaning they're looking for gallons of juice at a time. Offering various sizes of juices will really help broaden your customer base. Eight ounces is a good small size. You can then offer 12-, 16-, and 20-ounce glasses, along with half gallons for takeaway.

There are many cold-pressed juice bars out there, but there's definitely room in the industry for newcomers. Follow the tips above to satisfy customers and make a name for yourself.
